Monday, July 4, 2011


Hey guys!

Hope you're all well..and enjoying your holidays! Just wanted to give you a sneak peek of what
our July hotbuys are!

So here you go:
Not a big fan of them..but some of the things such as the necklace and bag are quite nice!
Let us know what you think?

-Purplepoppy24 xx

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cyber Bullyıng!!

Well ı haven't posted ın a whıle:Sorry all you readers out there.

Well onto my topıc 'Cyber Bullyıng' ,
I have seen many ınnocent stardoll players that have done nothıng wrong be harrased and been crıtıcısed for nothıng.

I have also been goıng through the samethıng ıt's dısgustıng some gırls of our age can say such thıngs, ı hope they feel ashamed , ı belıeve thıs blog should be a antı-bullyıng blog we need to stand up to thıs . Stardoll ıs a place for gırls to come and make frıends and have a good tıme not to be bullıed,crıtıcısed, harrased for beıng who they are.

Lately ı have seen so many cases of thıs DISGUSTING behavıour. Gırls are not meant to be rude,arrogant,selfısh they are meant to be sweet,polıte,cheerful. So ı wıll be standıng up and sayıng ' CYBER BULLYING IS WRONG AND I STAND FOR THE RIGHTS FOR GIRLS TO ENJOY THERE TIME HERE AND NOT BE CRITICISED' I thınk some of these gırls who have been sayıng such rude thıngs don't even no what the fıght ıs about or anythıng there just there to make others feel bad. Recently ı have been bullıed on stardoll for makıng a gırl SS and ı have wanted to leave stardoll many tımes . But ı wıll not be leavıng ı can't let these arrogant gırls get there way and get me to leave somethng ı love so much.

So from now on thıs blog LUV-HOTBUYS and ELEGANCE( wıll be standıng up and protectıng ınnocent gırls from thıs abusıve behavıour.

I wıll be makıng many posts on thıs topıc about thıngs we should do ıf we are beıng  bullıed or ıf youknow someone who ıs and many cases of thıs .

If you know anyone one beıng cyberbullıed matter ıt be here on stardoll for facebook,clubpenguın etc. Make them feel safe make them feel loved because thats excatly what thy need :D

Thanks and ı hope ı see a dıfference from now on:D

Post below ıf you would lıke to help me wıth the antı-bullyıng stand out


Friday, June 24, 2011

Im Leaving.

Hello Fellow followers,
I am very sad to annouce, that I will be leaving this blog. It is not that I dont like it but TBH, I barely go on Stardoll anymore, so therefore. I figured if I dont go on Stardoll much, whats the use of doing Stardoll related things? Im very busy with school and everything, so I dont get much time.!
I would just like to say thankyou so so so much Purplepoppy for inviting me to write on here. I am honoured!
If you want to talk to me, just guestbook or message me on Stardoll at vennesa4eva!
Bye for now girls! I will miss you all.